
TILLEK.ORG - Personal Hobby/Interest/Projects Site

Project Type:
ASP.NET 4.5.2 / MVC 5 Web Application

This web project is a place for me to share my fun hobbies, interests and projects with friends and the outside world. The site will eventually be expanded to include forums and respondable blogs so that my friends can collaborate with me on these projects. Unlike KLENOTIC.ORG the point of the site is to highlight fun projects and keep a lighter atmosphere as opposed to KLENOTIC.ORG which is designed to be more professional.

In development.
Project URL:

OLDERGAMERS.ONLINE - Online Community for "Older" Gamers

Project Type:
ASP.NET 4.5.2 / MVC 5 Web Application

This started out as my Senior Seminar Capstone project using Ruby On Rails running on my MS Server 2016 (which for the record, I was able to get successfully running under IIS!!!) After the class, I decided I wanted to continue to develop the project but I wanted to do it in ASP.NET w/ MVC for the extra flexibility.

I plan to continue developing this project as a community site that will allow older gamers to meet other older gamers in their area as well as provide tools to allow those gamers to more easily organize their gaming groups and sessions, regardless of the games or genres that they are playing. The point is to make it so they have more time to play by needing less time to organize.

Ultimately, I would like to see this project integrated with IOS and Android applications that I will develop at a later time and perhaps even become a revenue generating project.

In development.
Project URL:
None at this time - developing on my in-house MS Server 2016

Euchre Player AI

Project Type:
C++ Console Application - Linux

This was a project for Artificial Intelligence & Heuristic Programming class in Fall 2014. We decided to create a "replacement player AI" for a Euchre game which would act as a missing 4th player. It is not a complete Euchre game in itself, it is designed to sit at the table with 3 human players using real cards and to act as the partner to one of those players. Cards with barcodes were used along with a barcode scanner so that the humans would not have any knowledge of the cards the computer held and the computer had no knowledge except for what cards it had and what cards had been played.

My project partner developed the initial Euchre algorithm and assisted with the design of the card class and assisting with the initial presentation and status report before dropping the class. I did the coding for the entire project as well as the final presentation and report.

The project uses eSpeak for the voice synthesis and should be installed (or commented out).

Initial Development Complete - Considering Windows Port
Project URL:


Project Type:
iOS Application - Swift 2

This was a group project and the final project for our iOS Development class. The application is an informational application that would assist University of Akron students to know their dining options depending on the payment types accepted (including the University meal plan options).

My responsibility on the project was the MapKit functionality which consisted of locating the user's current location (if permitted) and showing that location on the map along with the locations of the eateries with different payment types identified by different color pins. This included making annotations based on the information in the database. Additionally, if a user selected details about an eatery from the list, they could locate that establishment on the map.

The project highlights my team development skills and my ability to work within an existing model (as my project partners designed the data model as their part of the project).

Complete - Other parties may continue development on their own.
Project URL: (Archival Repository) (Original Repository)

Internet Systems Programming Final Project

Project Type:
PHP - MySQL - JSON - AJAX - JavaScript

This web project was my final project for Internet Systems Programming. It was a basic CRUD database application (Create, Read, Update, Destroy) using PHP and MySQL. For the complete write up and the demo, please see the link below.

In development.
Project URL:


Project Type:
HTML - JavaScript

This was the final operating website for a client from my days running my IT business. The idea was to create a simple site, as this was what the client wanted. The style was designed after the simple letterhead and business card style. It may not be overly fancy but it was what the client wanted and was happy with (which is of course, what is really important). This site was recently taken down in December of 2015.

Project URL: